We were in danger of losing our largest client. The senior partner on the job called all of us who had any involvement with the client into the partners’ conference room to discuss the situation. Instead of assigning blame or complaining about the situation he calmly outlined the problem, asked us for our input, and then gave each of us a clear assignment to carry out in what was to be a sustained effort to retain this very important account. There’s no doubt in my mind that his calm and effective leadership is the reason we were successful.
Leaders don’t waste time complaining or assigning blame; they get on with solving the problem.
Asking who should be the leader is like asking who ought to play lead guitar in the band; it should be the person who can play lead guitar.
Leaders get average people to do superior work by helping them develop their skills and talents.
The effective delegation of authority is part of leadership.
“Why not?” is more of a leadership question than “Why?”
The best test of leadership is to look around and see if anyone is following.
People who can’t lead and won’t follow make great speed bumps.
Leaders don’t equate disagreement with disloyalty.
Leaders know who their followers are.
Leaders have confidence in themselves and inspire confidence in others.
Pull a rope and it will follow you, push it and it will curl up and go nowhere; it’s the same with leading people.
To effectively delegate responsibility you must let people know that you trust them.
Two characteristics of leaders are that they’re going somewhere and they can get people to follow them.
Leaders are approachable, easy to talk to, and always give the impression that they have lots of time to spare.
Leaders always show consideration for the feelings of others.
Leadership is action, not position.
To be a leader you have to understand how people feel and what influences them.
Leaders must know how to handle themselves as well as how to handle others.
People who worry about possible negative results of their decisions should be following, not leading.
The burden of leadership sometimes includes being unpopular.
There’s a difference between leadership and interference.
Leaders know that they don’t have to control everything all the time.
Leadership isn’t what you know, it’s what you do.
Leaders stay in character, being themselves at all times.
When the great leader’s work is done, everyone says, “We did it!”
Leaders avoid trying to act like they think leaders should act.
Leaders issue one warning, then they act.
Followers look for precedents; leaders look for solutions.
Leaders make difficult things seem simple, not simple things seem difficult.
Leaders make everyone else feel important.
The crowd can’t follow you if you’re following the crowd.
Leaders always accept more than their share of blame and less than their share of credit.
Truly effective leadership produces other leaders.
Leadership is a dialogue, not a monologue.
Followers focus on doing things right, leaders focus on doing the right things.
Independent people who can’t think interdependently don’t make good leaders.
Leaders respect the feelings of everyone, never treating anyone as inferior.
Leaders tell people how they’re doing before being asked.
Leaders look upon themselves as members of the team.
Leaders instill purpose.
Leaders give everyone a role and know how to emphasize its importance.
Leaders understand that the occasional disappointment is the price of progress.
Leaders ask questions that non-leaders are afraid to ask.
Leaders keep their personal likes and dislikes out of their decisions.
Leaders have goals; followers have wishes.
Leaders encourage innovation.
Leaders know how to say both yes and no.
Leaders get to know everyone on their teams by becoming genuinely interested in them.
Using the word “I” in a leadership situation is rarely effective.
Leaders have the confidence to evaluate and the courage to act.
Leaders understand that even people they trust will let them down occasionally.
Leaders are able to keep the team spirit up when things go wrong.
Leaders keep cool in emergencies.
Leaders can laugh when the joke is on them, but never make anyone else the butt of a joke.
Leaders can take a “no” answer without becoming discouraged.
People who won’t consider new suggestions will never be leaders.
Leaders can take a reprimand without losing their tempers.
Leaders are well-disciplined and discipline well.
Even people who don’t mind sharing credit want their fair share; effective leaders make sure they get it.
Leaders look where they’re going, not where they’ve been.
Real leaders don’t issue unnecessary orders.
Whatever the group there’s always a pecking order.
If you’re not the lead dog the view is always the same.