I doubt that there is a method of overcoming worry that would work for everybody, but here’s what works for me. When I start worrying about something, it’s almost always something about which I can’t do anything about at that precise moment; therefore my worrying isn’t very productive. So, what I do is make an appointment to worry. I actually set aside a time in my mind (don’t mark it on your calendar), say fifteen minutes at 3:15 the next day, during which time I will worry really effectively. If I catch myself worrying about the subject before then, I remind myself to put it off. What usually happens is that by the next afternoon I’ve either forgotten about the problem or something more important is occupying my thoughts. In the rare case where neither of the foregoing holds true, I’ll worry as planned. But then my mind usually wanders after a few seconds, or, if it doesn’t, I may actually come up with a solution to the problem.
The depth of your worry will depend on the amount of attention you give it.
Concern is fore-thought, worry is fear-thought.
Don’t read big implications into little facts.
If all you’re doing is worrying about something that you can do nothing about, you should do something else.
At the deepest depth of despair the weak perish and the strong rally.
Don’t go mountain-climbing over molehills.
Don’t be so intent on what has happened that you don’t realize what is happening.
It’s true that when one door closes another usually opens, so don’t spend so much time looking at the closed door that you don’t see the one that opened.
We are more effective when we forget what is unimportant.
If you worry about what people think about you, ask yourself why you have more confidence in their opinions than in your own.
You’ll worry a lot less about what people think of you when you realize how seldom they do.
Worry is when your stomach is firing bullets and your brain is firing blanks.
It’s better to feel a little panic beforehand and then be calm when something happens, than to be calm beforehand and panic when things happen.
You’re in good shape if you’re too busy to worry during the day and sleep too soundly to worry at night.
Worry is often caused by trying to make decisions before having enough information on which to base them.
Whatever you’re going through probably isn’t as serious as you think.
If you know you can handle it there’s no need to worry about it.
Worry is a darkroom in which negatives are developed.
There are a lot more worries than there are dangers.
In times like these it’s good to remember that there have always been times like these.
Make a list of your worries and cross off those about which nothing can be done, then cross off those that aren’t important; deal with the rest.
Even the longest day ends.
Things may not look any brighter in the morning, but you’re apt to have more strength with which to face them.
In adversity, we need to fall back on something we love.
Monday is way too early to be worried about Thursday.
Pondering past “what ifs” is futile; pondering future “what ifs” is fruitful.
Worry is rarely ruled by wisdom.
Any time you start to worry about the past, remember that it’s already too late.