Another excerpt from my latest book, Simple Realities (The pathway to happiness and success), which is now available at and on Kindle.

          I worked one summer in Saskatchewan; one of my co-workers lived on a ranch. We accompanied her father to a livestock sale and I watched him, seemingly just by glancing at them, buy about a dozen animals. Although it wasn’t obvious when he choose them from the larger herds, at the end of the sale, when the animals were grouped according to buyer, it was clear that my friend’s father had selected the best of the lot. When I asked him on what he based his selections he said, “I just use my intelligence.” I asked him if he could explain that in a little more detail. “No,” he replied.

             We can gain knowledge from other people, but intelligence has to be our own.

             We’re all ignorant, but on different subjects.

             Common sense in an uncommon degree is usually called intelligence.

             Stopping to think is a sign of intelligence.

             Intelligence allows us to cope with stupidity.

             Intelligence without a sense of humour is a disadvantage.

             Intelligent people know that the handwriting on the wall may be a forgery.

             Intelligence includes knowing what to overlook.

             A bridge is a fine example of intelligence.

             Intelligent people aim at things no one else sees, and hits them.

             It sometimes takes more intelligence to find out what isn’t wrong than to find out what is wrong.

             The main difference between intelligence and stupidity is that intelligence has limits.

             The degree to which people agree with you is not necessarily a measure of their intelligence.

             Intelligence isn’t necessary to discover a fact, but it is necessary to correctly interpret it.