MARRIAGE and Promises

Here are two more excerpts from my latest book, Simple Realities (The pathway to happiness and success), which is now available at and on Kindle.


            When they were courting they often took Sunday afternoon drives. He would be driving, and this being before the advent of seat belts, she’d be snuggled up right beside him. Not long after they got married they were on a Sunday afternoon drive; he was driving, but she was now seated almost against the passenger side door. She said, “Before we got married we always sat close to each other.” He gently replied, “I’m sitting in the same place.”

            A peaceful marriage requires points to be made subtly and inoffensively.

            Success in marriage depends not so much on finding the right person as it does on being the right person.

             Love in marriage is never wasted.

             Walking two blocks with a nagging spouse is more tiring than walking two miles with an adoring sweetheart.

             A successful marriage requires a tolerance for each other’s weaknesses.

             When a married couple walks down the street, the one a few steps ahead is the one who’s angry.


            I think a promissory note (a written promise to pay a sum of money either on demand or at a specified time) is the perfect embodiment of what all promises should be. With a promissory note, the person to whom the promise has been made has tangible evidence that can be presented to the promisor. When we make any promise we should act as if the other person has such a piece of paper evidencing it and redeem that imaginary piece of paper as soon as possible.

             Honour every promise; but don’t make too many.

             People who deliver more than they promise win respect; those who promise more than they deliver lose it.

             The slowest person to make a promise is often the most likely to keep it.

             A courteous “no” is always better than a broken promise.

             Don’t make promises on other people’s behalf; promise only what you can deliver yourself.