It’s been said that my formal education ended when I finished Grade Ten at the age of fourteen. I prefer to say that my formal schooling ended then. Since then, through correspondence or part-time college and university attendance, I completed the following courses: Traffic Management; Basic Bookkeeping; Radio and Television Arts; English; Public Speaking; two years of Management Accounting; four years to receive my Chartered Accountant designation; numerous income tax courses; Business Valuations; and, Non-fiction writing. During that time I’ve also read about 3,000 books. The point is your schooling may have to end but your education should never end.
What you don’t know, somebody else is getting paid for knowing.
Education is mostly a matter of desire.
The next best thing to knowing an answer is to know where to look it up.
It’s not just things we don’t know that get us into trouble, so do things we think we know but don’t.
The person who knows how will get a job, but the person who knows why will be the boss.
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Books can take you places you couldn’t otherwise go.
We learn many things, the key is to know which are worth remembering; and until we remember something we haven’t really learned it.
Just because someone knows more than you do about something doesn’t mean they know more than you do about everything.
At least one-quarter of your reading should be outside your field of work.
Blaming others shows a lack of education, blaming yourself indicates your education has begun, blaming no one proves your education is complete.
There are only three ways to learn: reading, trying new things, and being around people who know more than you.
Ignorance is always more expensive than education.
Credentials aren’t necessarily education.
Sometimes it isn’t so much what you know as it is what you can think of quickly.
It’s better to be the best informed than the most informed.
What we don’t know may not hurt us, but it might make us amusing.
We can learn by taking things apart, but real education is gained by putting things together.
Those who don’t read are no better off than those who can’t read.
When we stop learning, we start to die.
We rarely forget what we figure out ourselves.
Faith is admirable, but doubt educates.
Not knowing is bad; not wanting to know is terrible.
The more you learn the less you’ll be surprised.
A single talent will only take you so far.
When curious, ask.
When it comes to learning, the combination of curiosity and attention to detail is unbeatable.
If a day goes by when you don’t learn something, you weren’t paying attention.
If you know more on Saturday than you did on Monday, it was a good week.
When starting to learn about something new the first thing to learn about it is how much you have to learn.
It’s futile to try to educate people beyond their intellectual capacity.
An appreciation of what has happened is often necessary in determining what will happen.
To effectively learn you have to keep your emotions under control.
Unless knowledge is applied it isn’t of much use.