The peaceful protestors have gone home, so when are journalists and politicians going to admit that the trouble-making, bullying scofflaws still wreaking havoc and hardship in Ottawa and at border crossings are anarchists and start calling them that?
The right to protest clearly doesn’t include the right to use a gun, so why does anyone think it includes the right to use a truck?
Why haven’t the Ottawa tow truck operators who’ve refused to tow away illegally parked trucks had their licenses revoked and been charged with obstruction of justice?
How can the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa allow over 100 children to live in the cabs of trucks?
How long will the appropriately named Ottawa police chief, Peter Sloly, keep his job?
How much has Justin Trudeau’s reputation been damaged? And is his father turning over in his grave?
Haven’t the anarchists become their own worst enemies?
Which is the real Candace Bergen, the tough parliamentarian or the one who sometimes foolishly behaves like a Trumpist?
Doesn’t Justin Trudeau realize that when he calls others racists he evokes images of all the times he performed in blackface?
Justin Trudeau obviously wants to meet only with people who agree with him, and it seems there are fewer of those every day.
When a politician says “let me be clear,” what follows is usually a slightly differently worded version of an earlier murky comment.
And when they look at the camera rather than at the questioner during a news conference, you can bet we’re about to hear evasive talking points and not a straightforward answer.
Speaking of talking points, Justin Trudeau is so inept at thinking on his feet he probably needs them to activate Siri or Alexa.
The Ontario lockdown provision limiting NHL attendance to 500 fans in a 20,000 seat arena is beyond idiocy.
When it comes to fatuously disingenuous utterances, Pierre Poilievre beginning a statement with the words “ if Canadians are inconvenienced, or in any way suffering from these protests,” was world class..
Liberal party members are fond of bragging about their caucus solidarity and contrasting it with Conservative party discord. But just how solid is it? Toronto Liberal MP, Michael Erskine-Smith, has joined his Quebec colleagues, Joel Lightbound and Yves Robillard, in questioning Trudeau’s handling of the pandemic. And it’s now been revealed that twenty-two Liberal MPs signed a letter to Francois-Philippe Champagne, the minister of industry, and Marco Mendicino, the minister of public safety, criticizing the government’s handling of the Afghan military withdrawal.
Gary Bettman, the basketball guy who is commissioner of the NHL, is threatening to force all seven Canadian NHL teams to play their remaining games in the US because of Canada’s tough COVID-19 rules. Donald Fehr, the baseball guy who heads up the NHL Players Association, should tell Bettman to put a sock in it. Such a move would cause the players, team employees, and their families untold turmoil and upset.
Watching the much-loved Queen Elizabeth II celebrating the 70th anniversary of her ascension to the throne reminded me her hard-to-like eldest son, Prince Charles, won’t necessarily become King Charles III when the Crown inevitably becomes part of his wardrobe.
Under the succession rules, a monarch can choose any of his or her given names, and Queen Elizabeth’s father took advantage of this and chose to become King George VI rather than Albert, Frederick, or Arthur the First. So Prince Charles can choose any of his given names: Charles, Philip, Arthur, or George. He’s not apt to choose Philip or Arthur, but he might prefer George VII to Charles III.
There are no doubt millions of subjects who would prefer the Queen’s successor be William V.