There are few things that strike more fear into people’s hearts than to be enjoying a function such as a wedding reception, retirement party, important anniversary celebration, or other milestone event, and suddenly realizing that the MC’s sentence that began with, “And now, ladies and gentlemen, we’ll have a few words from…” ended with their name. When this happens, people realize they have just become, unexpectedly and usually unwillingly, the center of attention. Having to make impromptu remarks often paralyzes even seasoned speakers, but there’s really no reason to panic. 

Situations in which you’re asked to make a few impromptu remarks are almost always such that you will have relevant personal experiences and knowledge upon which to draw. You’re not apt to be called upon to say a few words unless you have some history with the people involved. You will always be able to acquit yourself well by simply following the advice outlined below.

There are two other reasons you should never be too fussed about having to make some impromptu remarks. First, MCs really mean it when they ask for “a few words.” You should always keep your comments short, and you can easily succeed by telling a story about the friend who’s getting married or retiring. Second, in these circumstances, because they will empathize with your having been put on the spot, audience members aren’t going to hold you to a very high standard. An anecdote or two will do just fine.

But if hearing your name being called does momentarily cause your brain to seize up, there are two effective remedies. One will work almost every time, and the other will always work. I’m giving you both because you may sometimes forget about the sure-fire method and will have to fall back on the almost-foolproof one, which we’ll look at first.

As already mentioned, in any impromptu speaking situation you will almost always have enough knowledge to enable you to accept the MC’s invitation, you very likely care a lot about the people involved, and you can easily rationalize wanting to say a few words (if for no other reason than to avoid the embarrassment of not doing so). So all the elements of a successful talk are present. You can always take some time to organize your thoughts and, if necessary, you can extend your thinking-on-your-feet time with the “Who, me?” reaction. You can create even more by taking your time getting to the podium, and you can always pause for a few more moments when you get there.

During this time, think about what you can say about the guest of honour. Usually the first thought that comes to mind will be all you need. Your first thought will probably be about something that happened involving the two of you. Just tell that story by answering the five classic journalistic questions: Who was involved? What happened? Where did it happen? When did it happen? Why did it happen?

Although quite easy to describe, the foolproof method requires a bit of work, which is why it’s neglected by most people. Here it is. Any time you know you’re going to be in a situation where there is any possibility, no matter how remote, of being asked to “say a few words,” decide beforehand exactly what you’re going to say if called upon. Think about a story you could tell and decide what details to include. It’s perfectly in order to jot down a few notes, but don’t refer to them when you’re speaking. That would spoil the spontaneity of the occasion, raise the audience’s expectations, and likely reduce their admiration for your ability to think on your feet.

Once you become accustomed to using the techniques outlined above, don’t be surprised if you become disappointed any time you’re not asked to “say a few words.”