Here are a couple of more excerpts from my latest book, Simple Realities (The pathway to happiness and success), which is now available at and on Kindle.
Dale Carnegie had a wonderful attitude when it came to reacting to anyone who faulted him. He would say, “If my critic had known about all my other faults, he would have criticized me much more severely than he did.
When you admit a fault you deprive others of the pleasure of pointing it out; you also have one less fault.
It’s a great fault to think that you have none.
We find faults in others that we don’t see in ourselves.
Faults should be looked for with a mirror, not binoculars.
Admitting a fault doesn’t mean that you don’t have to correct it.
Most faults are more forgivable than the ways in which they are hidden.
You can’t correct all your faults at once; work on one at a time.
The way some people find fault you’d think there was a reward.
People shouldn’t be disdained for things they cannot help.
Dale Carnegie also liked to tell the story about a man who strutted up to the podium, clearly intending to show off his superior intelligence and knowledge. After an abysmal performance, he walked humbly down the aisle and out of the auditorium. Mr. Carnegie observed that had the man approached the podium the way he left it, he might have left it the way he approached it.
You’ll understand humility the first time you bite off more than you can chew.
You can be proud and humble at the same time; it depends entirely on what you say and how you say it.
Never be afraid to ask for help.
Everybody has at least one story they’d rather not tell.
It’s always good to be the first to laugh at yourself.
Why is it that people who would never put me on hold for twenty minutes if I called them on the telephone will keep me waiting twenty minutes in their reception area? Being rude is like being late. When you’re rude you’re telling people they don’t matter; when you’re polite you’re telling them that they do.
What you do to others you ultimately do to yourself.
Where there is rudeness there can be no effective communication.
When we’re about to be rude to someone we should always remember the last time someone was rude to us.
Rudeness is an incompetent’s imitation of power and a weakling’s imitation of strength.
Beating others at politeness is a great victory.
No one is too big to be courteous, but many are too small.
We can support our beliefs without ridiculing other people’s.
Sweet words are always easier to swallow.