Another excerpt from my latest book, Simple Realities (The pathway to happiness and success), which is now available at and on Kindle.
We’ve all had, have, and will have, regrets. People who say “I have no regrets” are really saying that they’ve learned how to deal with their regrets; and there are three specific ways to do so. First, if an apology is required, then apologize, quickly and sincerely. Second, if something needs to be done or undone and it’s possible to do so, then do or undo it; again, quickly and sincerely. Third, if neither of the foregoing is possible, forget it; learn from it by all means, but then forget it.
The best thing to do after doing something wrong is to immediately do something right.
It’s always better to do something about it than just regret it.
Yesterday can’t be changed, we can only make the most of today and prepare for tomorrow.
Spending too much time thinking about the past may cause us to neglect the present and spoil the future.
When it’s over, let it go; if you can’t put it down gently, don’t pick it up.
Look back only to learn, never to regret.
Regrets limit tomorrow’s possibilities; learn to forgive yourself.
If you don’t want people to know about it, don’t do it.
The degree of regret usually depends on the amount of attention we give it.
You can’t unring a bell.
The past can’t be changed, but the present can.
It’s OK to cry because we’ve lost something, but then we should smile because we had it.
Sometimes all you can do is be sorry; not every wrong can be righted.
Even if we can’t start over we may be able to pick up where we left off.